
作者詹妮弗·尤里奇(Jennifer Yuricich) 2000 Spotts

今年夏天, three students examined baker’s yeast to determine the function 和 role of a protein that is essential in all living organisms — except baker’s yeast.

“We are trying figure out how loss of this protein leads to misregulation of genes,23岁的布里·沃茨解释道. “基因失调会导致疾病甚至死亡.”

Conducting what seemed like “more of the same” became routine for the students. It wasn’t until they were preparing their presentation for the L和mark Conference Research Symposium that they deliberately stepped back to examine their work.

“I realized I would have to explain our reasoning,” said 米斯纳伊丽莎白 ’24, a 生物化学西班牙语研究 所以我想更好地理解我们在做什么以及为什么.”

Michael Parra,哈佛大学助理教授 化学, 谈到他的学生, “They are doing something a h和ful of people in the world are doing, 所以不知道原因也没关系. Research is a time to look at everything you do to find out where things went wrong or where they went right.”

艾米丽·拉金斯25岁,化学专业 荣誉项目, said that having the opportunity to be a part of multiple types of research — as soon as her first year — is why she chose 浩博体育app. “我发现我可以和不止一个教授一起工作, 这是你在其他大学找不到的.”

师友关系是浩博体育app提供的另一项罕见服务. 瓦茨是米斯纳的导师, 她高中科学展的搭档, 当米斯纳在萨斯奎哈纳加入她时. Larkins said her summer research experience helped shape how she wants to mentor others. She added that Parra is “the most underst和ing professor,” to which Watts 和 Misner agreed.

“Dr. 帕拉知道我还没有达到这个水平,”米斯纳说. “He challenged me regularly by asking, ‘What’s the worst thing that can happen?“这建立了我的信心.”

帕拉说,不害怕失败是“强大的”. “事情不应该第一次就成功,”他补充说.

Parra promotes research opportunities throughout the year because he wants students to participate as soon as possible. 瓦特,生物化学和 物理 主修荣誉课程, will have conducted research for a total of seven semesters 和 two summers when she graduates, 她的名字会出现在发表的论文上. Crediting Parra 和 the extraordinary amount of time she spent in the lab, 瓦茨说她感到很自信.

“研究可以促进职业发展,”她补充说. “我知道,当我离开萨斯奎汉纳时, the skills engrained in me will be transferrable to labs in graduate school 和 in the workplace.”